The following courses are excellent ways to explore plant pathology:
PLNTPTH 2000 - Molds, Mushrooms, and Mankind (3 credits)
Fungi have influenced human health, migration, and nutrition for thousands of years. This course studies fungal biology and the impact of fungi in society both historically and currently. Spring semester.
PLNTPTH 3333 - Field and Woodland Fungi (2 credits)
General and technical knowledge on the identification and ecology of macrofungi of Ohio. Online content, lab and field experiences. Prereq: BIOL 1113 or 1114, or permission of the instructor. Autumn.
PLNTPTH 3920 - Psychedelic Studies: Neurochemistry, Plants, Fungi and Society (3 credits)
A comprehensive examination of the growing psychedelic studies field, including the relevant chemistry, ethnobotany, history, neurobiology, psychology, and emerging policy options. Online and in-person. Autumn, Spring.
PLNTPTH 4321 - Managing Biological Invasions for Forest Sustainability (3 credits)
General Education Sustainability Theme course. Spring.
PLNTPTH 4597 - Contemporary Issues: Genetic Engineering, and the Environment (3 units)
Online. Contemporary, cultural, and social issues related to pesticide use, genetic engineering and sustainable plant management. Prereq: Jr or Sr standing. Contemporary Issues. GE Cross-Disciplinary Seminar (Legacy GE). Prerequ: junior or senior standing. Autumn, Spring and Summer.
PLNTPTH 2001 - Sick Plants and a Hungry World (2 credits)
Online. Review of the interactions of plants with plant pathogens and the social, economic, and historic consequences for civilization. Autumn, Spring, Summer.
PLNTPTH 3001 - General Plant Pathology Lecture (3 credits)
An introduction to plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes and parasitic higher plants. Video-linked between Columbus and Wooster. Prerequ: Intro or general biology or entomology course. Autumn.
PLNTPTH 3002 - General Plant Pathology Lab (2 credits)
The lab portion of general plant pathology. Lab work will include experiments involving fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes and parasitic higher plants. Taken concurrently with PLNTPTH 3001. Autumn.
PLNTPTH 5140 - Diseases of Field Crops (2 credits)
Key diseases that impact crop plants with emphasis on identification, management and field evaluations of management strategies. Prereq: 2 courses in the biological sciences, or permission of the instructor. Autumn.