PhD, Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University, 2012 (Guo-Liang Wang, advisor)
Isolatuion and functional analysis of novel secreted proteins in Magnaporthe oryzae. Best Poster award, 11th Annual Plant Molecular Biololgy and Biotechnology Annual Symposium, April 24-25, 2009, Columbus, Ohio.
Functional analysis of carbohydrate bidning module (CBM)-containing effectors in Magnaprthe oryzae. 5th International Rice Blast Conference, Little Rock Ark., Aug. 12-14, 2010.
Isolatuion and functional analysis of novel secreted proteins in Magnaporthe oryzae. Poster, 11th Annual Plant Molecular Biololgy and Biotechnology Annual Symposium, April 24-25, 2009, Columbus, Ohio.
Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association
Columbus Secretary, 2010
American Phytopathological Society
Biotechnology Committee
Molecular and Cellular Phytopathology Committee
Chen S, Songkumarn P, Liu J, Wang GL. 2009. A versatile zero background T-vector system for gene cloning and functional genomics. Plant Physiology 150(3):1111-21
Songbiao Chen, Malali Gowda, R.C. Venu, Pattavipha Songkumarn, Chan Ho Park, Maria Bellizzi, Daniel J. Ebbole and Guo-Liang Wang. 2009. Isolation and Functional Analysis of Putative Effectors from Magnaporthe oryzae Using Integrated Genomic Approaches. Advances in Genetics, Genomics and Control of Rice Blast Disease 2009, Part I, 93-103, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-9500-9_10