Hamilton, A.N., Gibson, K.E., Amalaradjou, M., Callahan, C., Milner, P., Ilic, S., Lewis Ivey, M.L., and Shaw, A. (2023). Cultivating Food Safety Together: Insights about the Future of Produce Safety in the U.S. Controlled Environment Agriculture Sector. J. Food Prot. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfp.2023.100190
Lewis Ivey, M.L. and Jimenez Madrid, A. (2023). Sampling for the Early Detection of Peronospora sparsa in Blackberry Nursery Stock Plants. Plant Health Progress. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHP-05-23-0053-SC
Oliver, C., Cooper, M., Lewis Ivey, M.L., Brannen, P., Miler, T., Lowder, S., Mahaffee, W., and Moyer, M. (2023). Fungicide Use Patterns in Select United States Wine Grape Production Regions. Plant Dis. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-23-0798-RE
Wodzicki, L., Madden, L., Long, E., Zhu, H., and Lewis Ivey, M.L. (2023) Evaluation of a Laser-Guided Intelligent Sprayer for Disease and Insect Management on Grapes. Amer J Enology and Viticulture 74(2):0740024 DOI:10.5344/ajev.2023.23013
Signorini, G.; Wodzicki, L.; Lewis Ivey, M.L. (2023). Comparative Feasibility Analysis of Automated Equipment for Vineyards. HortTech. 33:239-246 DOI:10.21273/horttech05147-22Lewis Ivey, M. L.; Jimenez Madrid, A.; Daunay, M-C.; Shah, Denis. 2021. Evaluation of Tomato, Eggplant and Pepper Accessions for Resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum species complex (RSSC) strains from Louisiana. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 159:279-293. 10.1007/s10658-020-02160-0
Ilic, S., Moodispaw, M.R., Madden, L.V., and Lewis Ivey, M.L. (2022) Lettuce contamination and survival of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella Typhimurium in hydroponic nutrient film technique systems. Submitted to: Foods MDPI. 11:3508; https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11213508.
Jimenez Madrid, A.M. and Lewis Ivey, M.L. (2022). An Overview of Streptomycin Resistance in Erwinia amylovora from Ohio Apple Orchards. Plant Health Progress. First Look https://doi.org/10.1094/PHP-08-22-0074-RS.
Rotondo, F., Klass, T.L., Scott, K., McCartney, M., Jacobs, J.M., and Lewis Ivey, M.L. (2022) First Report of Neopestalotiopsis Disease in Ohio caused by an emerging species of Neopestalotiopsis on Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa). Plant Dis. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-02-22-0400-PDN
Miller, A and Lewis Ivey, M.L. (2022). First report of Colletotrichum henanense causing anthracnose on Chinese chestnut in the United States. Plant Dis. https://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/abs/10.1094/PDIS-12-21-2661-PDN
Rotondo, F., Bernel, E., Ma, X., Lewis Ivey, M.L., Sahin, F., Francis, D.M. and Miller, S.A. (2022). Shifts in Xanthomonas causing bacterial spot in processing tomato in the Midwest of the United States. Can. J. Plant Pathol. https://doi.org/10.1080/07060661.2022.2047788
Jimenez Madrid, J., Klass, T., Roman-Reyna, V., Jacobs, J., and Lewis Ivey, M.L. (2022). Draft genome sequences of four streptomycin sensitive Erwinia amylovora strains isolated from apple in Ohio. AMS Genome Announ. Microbiology Resource Announcements 10.doi: https://doi.org/10.1128/MRA.00893-21
Signorini, G.; Wodzicki, L.; Ivey, M.L. Comparative Feasibility Analysis of Automated Equipment for Vineyards. HortTech. Accepted 12/14/2022.
Miller, A.; Ivey, M.L. Biology of Chestnut Anthracnose (formerly blossom end rot) in Culinary Chestnut. (2022) The Nutshell. 76:10 – 13.
Ivey, M.L.; Miller, B.; Amrhein, J.J. (2022). Evaluation of fungicide spray programs for control of apple scab, 2021. Plant Disease Management Reports.
Ivey, M.L.; Miller, B.; Amrhein, J.J. (2022). Evaluation of fungicide spray programs for control of bitter rot of apple, 2021. Plant Disease Management Reports.
- Oliver, Charlotte; Cooper, Monica L.; Lewis Ivey, M. L.; Brannen, Phil P.; Miles, Timothy D.; Mahaffee, Walt F.; Moyer, Michelle. 2021. Assessing the United States grape industry's understanding of fungicide resistance mitigation practices for grapevine powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator). AJEV 72:181-193.
- Jimenez Madrid, A., Klass, T., Roman-Reyna, V., Jacobs, J., and Lewis Ivey, M.L. 2021. Draft genome sequences of four streptomycin-sensitive Erwinia amylovora strains isolated from commercial apple orchards in Ohio. MRA 10:50. https://doi.org/10.1128/MRA.00893-21
- Roman-Reyna, V., Dupas, E., Cesbron, S., Marchi, G., Campigli, S., Hansen, M. A., Bush, E., Praret, M., Shiplett, K., Lewis Ivey, M. L., Pierzynski, J., Miller, S. A., Hand, F. P., Jacques, M.-A. and Jacobs, J. M. 2021. Metagenomic sequencing for rapid identification of Xylella fastidiosa from leaf samples. BioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.05.12.443947.
- Yao, X.; Han, J., Domier, L.L., Qu, F., and Ivey, M.L. Grapevine virus E reported in Ohio vineyards. Catalyst: Discovery into Practice. Accepted September 2020.
- Lewis Ivey, M.L., Jimenez Madrid, A.M., Dauny, C-M., and Shah, D. Evaluation of tomato, eggplant and pepper accessions for resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum species complex (RSSC) strains from Louisiana. Euro. J. Plant Pathol. Accepted June 2020.
- Jimenez Madrid, A.M., Doyle, V.P., and Lewis Ivey, M.L. 2019. Characterization of Ralstonia solanacearum species complex strains causing bacterial wilt of tomato in Louisiana, United States. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology pp. 329-338. doi.org/10.1080/07060661.2019.1584588
- Jimenez Madrid, A.M., Medina, R.M., and Lewis Ivey, M.L. 2019. First report of Peronospora sparsa on blackberry in Ohio. Plant Dis. 103:162.
- Ilic, S., LeJeune, J.T., Lewis Ivey, M.L. and Miller, S.A. 2017. Delphi expert elicitation to prioritize food safety management practices in greenhouse production of tomatoes in the United States. Food Control 78:108-115.
- Yao, X., Han, J., Domier, L., Qu, F., and Lewis Ivey, M.L. 2017. First report of grapevine red blotch virus in Ohio vineyards. Plant Dis. 102:463. doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-08-17-1141-PDN
- Yao, X., Han, J., Domier, L., Qu, F., and Lewis Ivey, M.L. 2017. First report of tomato ringspot virus in an Ohio vineyard. Plant Dis. 102:259.
- Neufeld, K., Keinath, A., Guigno, B.K., Dutta, B., Langston, D., McGrath, M., Sikora, E., Sims, A., Keever, Z., Miller, S.A., Lewis Ivey, M.L., Ojiamba, P. 2017. Predicting the risk of cucurbit downy mildew in the eastern United States using an integrated aerobiological model. Int. J. Biometeor. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-017-1474-2 pp. 1-14.