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Plant Pathology

Department of Plant Pathology


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Dr. Kamal Krishna Pal came as Visiting Scholar under the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, Long Term Overseas Associateship programme in 2006. He hails from the National Research Centre for Groundnut, Junagadh, Gujarat. Dr. Pal is looking for novel antifungal genes of Bacillus subtilis involved in the biological control of plant pathogens.


Dr. Dorith Rotenberg worked as a post-doctoral researcher during 2006. Currently she is a research assistant professor at Kansas State University.  She received her Ph. D. from the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and after spending time as a post-doctoral research fellow in the Department of Soil Science at UW-Madison, she discovered her love for studying the link between soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics and microbial community structure and function related to crop health. At OSU, she investigated the effect of farming practices on the rhizosphere abundance of antibiotic-producing Pseudomonas populations in corn and soybean fields as a means to elucidating soil factors that limit and promote biological control functions in Ohio agricultural systems.


Raghavendra Joshi  M.Sc. 2005. Currently is working as a PhD student in molecular biology at the U. of Minnesota.  He hails from the south Indian city of Bangalore. Raghu obtained his Master?s in Biochemistry from UAS, Bangalore, India.  His broad interests are towards understanding molecular plant microbe interactions. His research focused on the  characterization of molecular markers unique to Bacillus subtilis with biocontrol capacities.


Laura Gutierrez Chapin M.Sc. 2004. Currently works as a research associate in the Dept. of Horticulture and Crop Science at the Ohio State U. She hails from upstate New York and completed a BA in Biology from Allegheny College in Pennsylvania.


Callie Merry was a summer intern in 2007 when she was a biology student at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. She conducted a variety of in vitro inhibition assays and PCR-based characterization of 16S sequences from novel biocontrol strains.


Alejandra Sanchez hails from Columbia and is working part-time on various projects.


Kerry Melanovsky attends the College of Wooster.  She continued the work of Dr. Pal, creating and evaluating mutants of biocontrol genes in Bacillus subtils.


Dario Chavez was a research assistant.  Currently he is pursuing a Ph.D. in Plant Breeding at U. of Florida.  He was born in Riobamba, Ecuador and studied n Honduras at Panamerican School of Agriculture Zamorano until 2005, in which year thru January to April I was making my short term scholar at University of Georgia in the Distance Diagnostic through Digital Imaging project.


Clara Zumpetta is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Plant Pathology at OSU under Dr. Coplin. She hails from Northeastern Ohio and graduated in 2005 from Mount Union College in Alliance, OH with a B.S. in Biology and a minor in Chemistry.  At the OARDC, her work centered on processing corn and soybean samples in order to culture biocontrol strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens and assaying the effects of a field?s slope on the frequency and genotypic diversity of native phlD+ Ps. fluorescens colonizing corn roots and rhizosphere.


Amara Camp is originally from Rhode Island and graduated from Juniata College in Huntingdon, PA, with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a minor in Spanish.  She assisted with greenhouse assays, field sampling, data analysis, and general lab management, for the summers of 2004 and 2005. In 2006 she entered the graduate program in Plant Pathology at Cornell University.


Ethan Horst is a Wooster native and has been worked at the OARDC for several summer since his sophomore year in high school.  He attended Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Virginia where he majored in Biology.  Ethan?s varied tasks included taking and processing field samples, computer and database work, and designing and maintaining this website.


Jacki Mesaros is originally from Southeastern Michigan.  She attends the University of Toledo and is majoring in Bioengineering.  Her summer internship involves optimizing the protocol used to isolate Bacillus, specifically B. subtilis and B. pumilis.  The main goal wasto compare the isolates of interest to other biocontrols through PCR Assays and DNA sequencing.