Profile TabsProfileM. Veronica CepedaMS GraduateProfessional InformationDegrees & Credentials: MS Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University (2012)BS Biotechnology, Army Polytechnic School, Quito, EcuadorBiography: Research Area Biocontrol and development of assays for plant growth promoting bacteria. Advisor: Brian McSpadden Gardener Home town/country Ambato, Ecuador Presentations Cepeda, M.V. and McSpadden Gardener, B.B. Effects of microbial inoculants on plant growth promotion. Ohio Branch of the American Society for Microbiology Spring Meeting 2012. Mason, OH. April 20, 2012. Cepeda, M.V and McSpadden Gardener, B.B. Effects of microbial inoculants on plant growth promotion. OARDC Research Annual Conference. Wooster, OH. April 26, 2012. Cepeda, M.V and McSpadden Gardener, B.B. Effects of microbial inoculants on plant growth promotion. APS North Central Division Meeting in Ohio. Wooster, OH. June 14, 2012. Awards Fulbright international grantee 2010 H.A.J. Hoitink Graduate Education Endowment Fund Scholarship 2011-2012 Patricia Ngwira Travel Award recipient (academic year 2011-2012) Activities Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association Social Committee Representative of the Plant Pathology Graduate Student Association Works - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData