Dr. Ira W. Deep, Professor Emeritus, became the first chair of the Department of Plant Pathology after it was established as a stand-alone department. Dr. Deep chaired the committee that designed the Plant Protection undergraduate major, a multidisciplinary program that included programs in plant pathology, agronomy, entomology and horticulture.
He served as Chair form 1968-1984, after which he returned to teaching, research and Extension. His research area focused on root rot of corn caused by Pythium arrhenomanes and Pythium graminicola.
Dr. Deep and his wife, Marie, reside in Worthington, Ohio. He maintains ties with the department through teaching and other activities.
Dr. Ira and Marie Deep with Dr. James Starr (right), recipient of a Distinguished Alumni Award for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Starr was honored at the CFAES Alumni Society Awards luncheon on March 1, 2008 in Columbus.