Research Area
Plant diseases caused by viruses constitute a major constraint to crop production worldwide. More than a thousand viruses are known to infect plants and account for about 50% of all newly emerging plant viruses. Mitigating yield losses caused by plant viruses is therefore crucial to ensure the world meets the demand of a growing population.
My research is focused on engineering attenuated plant viruses (Plant virus "vaccines") for use in "vaccinating" plants against the wild type viruses, using Pepino Mosaic Virus, an emerging pathogen of tomato, as a model.
PhD Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University, 2013
MS Education (Teaching subject: Biology), Higher Teachers Training College Yaoundé, University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon, 2007
MS Plant Biology (Plant Physiology and Biotechnology), University of Dschang, Cameroon, 2006
BS Plant Biology. University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon, 2002
BS Education (Teaching subject: Biology), Higher Teachers Training College, Annex of Bambili, University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon, 2001
Professional Experience
Executive officer, Ministry of Secondary Education (MINESEC), Cameroon, 08/2008 – present:
Teaching, English High School Yaounde, Cameroon, 2005 - 2007
Teaching and Biology Department Head, Government Bilingual Practicing High School Santchou, West Region, Cameroon, 2004 - 2005
Teaching and Biology Department Head, Government High School Njikwa, North West Region, Cameroon, 2002 - 2004
Honors and Awards
U.S. Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security, Purdue Univ., 2013
Janson-Stover Travel Award, Plant Pathology, 2013
Fulbright Scholarship, 2010 - 2013
2nd place, Oral Graduate Student Presentations, North Central Division of the American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, June 14, 2012, Wooster, Ohio
National Science Foundation (NSF) travel award, 2012
The OARDC Professional Growth Scholarship, 2012
Ministry of Higher Education (MINESUP)/Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reforms (MINFOPRA) Cameroon, joint scholarship for In-Service training, 10/2005 – 07/2007
Representative of Graduate students, Post-docs and Visiting scholars on the Wooster Diversity Committee, 03/2011-06/2012
Guest speaker, Wooster Ethnic fair, organized by the Embracing Our Differences Ohio (EODO), 04/2012
Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association
Travel grant awards committee member, 2010-2012
American Phytopathological Society (2011 - present)
American Society of Virologistis (2012 - present)
Educational Adviser, African Network against Illiteracy, Conflicts and Human Rights Abuse (ANICHRA), 08/2008 - 08/2010
President of the Health Committee, Environmental Club, Higher Teachers’ Training College (E.N.S.) Yaoundé, 10/2006-07/2007
Trainer of women’s organizations and youth groups on HIV/AIDS prevention and management, 07/2003-present
Founding President, Pioneer Mixed Sensitization and Action Common Initiative Group (PMSA), Concerned with environmental protection and HIV/AIDS sensitization, 08/2003-present
Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC) youth representative, All African Conference of Churches (AACC), 10/2003-10/2004
Protocol/Education officer, Higher Teachers’ Training College (E.N.S.) Annex Bambili, Students union (ENSABSU) Government, 07/2000-07/2001
Protocol officer, Menchum Students (MENSU), 09/2000-07/2001
Protocol/Education officer, E.N.S. Annex Bambili, Biology Family Government, 07/1999-07/2000
Class coordinator for Biology Level I, E.N.S. Annex Bambili, 10/1998-10/1999
Senior Student Officer, Government High School Wum< 09/1997-06/1998
President, Science Club, Government High School Wum, 09/1997-06/1998
Professional Meetings
American Society for Virologists Annual Meeting, 07/2012
American Phytopathology Society/North Central meeting, 06/2012
Global Food Security seminar, Pennsylvania, USA, 03/2012
Global Challenges: Local solutions seminar, New York, USA, 02/2011
African Crop Science Society conference, El-Minia, Egypt, 10/2007
Chewachong, GM and Feng Qu. 2012. Novel approaches to generate attenuated plant viruses for use as elicitors of cross protection. Poster presentation, 2012 American Society for Virologists Annual Meeting.
Chewachong, GM and Feng Qu. 2012. Engineering an attenuated strain of Pepino mosaic virus effective for cross protection. Oral presentation, 2012 American Phytopathology Society/ North Central Division Annual Meeting.
Ambang, Z, Bekolo, N, and Chewachong, GM. 2009. Combined Effects of host plant resistance and insecticide application on the development of cowpea viral diseases. Australian Journal of Crop Science 3(3):167-172.
Ambang, Z, Amougou A, Nantia J and Chewachong, GM. 2009. Resistance to Manihot glaziovii mosaic virus by Grafting on M. esculenta. TROPICULTURA, 27 (1): 8-14
Njukeng A.P, Chewachong GM, Chofong G, Demo P, Sakwe P, and Njualem KD. 2007. Determination of Virus-free Potato planting materials by Positive selection and Screening of tubers from Seed Stores in the Western Highlands of
Cameroon. K.Z. Ahmed, M.A. Mahmoud, S.I. Shalabi, E A. El-morsi & H.A.M. Ismael (eds). African Crop Science Society Proceedings. El-Minia, Egypt, October 27-31, 2007. Volume 8, pp 809-815.
Ambang, Z, Kosma P, Ndongo B, Ngoh-Dooh JP, and Chewachong GM. 2008. Identification of banana (Musa sp.) nematodes and nematicide effect of neem grains in protection of young plants in the Yaounde agricultural region of
Cameroon. Proceedings of an international congres on the biodiversity of invertebrates in agricultural and forest areas. Algeria, April 14-17, 2008, p 85.
Chewachong, GM. 2006. Serological detection of viruses in tuber sprouts of stored potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) seed tubers in the North West Province of Cameroon. MSc. Thesis. University of Dschang, Dschang Cameroon.
Ambang , Z, Bekolo N, Chewachong GM and Ngoh-Dooh JP.2007.Correlation between cyanogenic acid (HCN) content in cassava leaves and tolerance to anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. CAMFOBIOS.
Chewachong GM. 2001. Causes and Socio-Economic Consequences of Meningitis in Aghem-Wum. A research report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Diploma, DIPES I, in Education (Biology). Higher Teacher Training College (E.N.S.) Annex Bambili, Cameroon.