PhD Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University, 2013
MSc (Agriculture) Plant Pathology, Konkan Agricultural University, India (2002)
Project: “Studies on fruit rots of mango caused by Botryodiplodia theobromae and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and their management”
BSc Agriculture, Konkan Agricultural University, India (2000)
CC Allison Award, in recognition of high achievement in research and service to the Department of Plant Pathology, the Ohio State University. 2011.
The Zahir Eyal Travel Award , To attend Centennial Meeting of American Phytopathological Society held in Minneapolis, MN in July, 2008
University Fellowship, Ohio State (2006-2007)
Hexamar Foundation Gold medal for standing first in Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Dapoli, Maharashtra, India.
American Springs and Pressing Works (ASPEE foundation), Mumbai, India, Fellowship for pursuing MSc (Agriculture) in Plant Pathology.
Konkan Agricultural University, Gold medal, 1999-2000 for standing first at the B.Sc.(Agri.) degree program.
Sir Robert Allan Gold Medal 1999-2000, Konkan Agricultural University.
ASPEE foundation, Mumbai, Gold medal 1999-2000, for standing first in the discipline of Plant Protection in B.Sc. (Agriculture) degree program in the university.
2009 OARDC SEEDS competitive grant ($5000), Mapping of Suppressor Genes Responsible for Suppression of Lesion Mimic Phenotype Caused by the spl11 Mutation in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Gautam S. Shirsekar, Miguel E. Vega-Sanchez, Alicia Bordeos, Marietta Baraoidan, Hei Leung and Guo-Liang Wang. Characterization of suppressor mutants of spotted lesion mimic mutation (spl11) in rice. Poster presented at Gordon Research Conference on Plant Molecular Biology held at Holderness School, Holderness, NH, USA from July 18- July 23, 2010
Gautam S. Shirsekar, Miguel E. Vega-Sanchez, Alicia Bordeos, Marietta Baraoidan, Hei Leung and Guo-Liang Wang. Characterization of suppressor mutants of spotted lesion mimic mutation (spl11) in rice. Poster presented at International Plant Molecular Biology Congress, St. Louis, MO, USA (Oct, 2009)
Gautam S. Shirsekar, Miguel E. Vega-Sanchez, Alicia Bordeos, Marietta Baraoidan, Hei Leung and Guo-Liang Wang. Identifying the components in Spl11-mediated defense pathway and determining the relationship between Spl11 and other defense signaling genes in rice. Poster presented at Centennial meeting of the American Phytopathological Activities Society, Minneapolis, MN, USA. (July, 2008)
Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association
2010 Member - Travel Grants Committee
2008-09 President - Represented students in various faculty meetings of the department
2007-08 Member - Graduate Studies Committee of the Department of Plant Pathology, OSU
2011 Reviewer for peer reviewed journal: BMC Genomics (BioMed Central)
2010 - Review panel for OARDC SEEDS competitive grants for graduate students
2009 Member- Review panel for Travel Grants Award for students to attend Annual meeting of the American Phytopathological Society (APS) at Portland, Oregon.
- Student representative of the department before the task force assigned by the Graduate School to review all graduate programs in the Life Sciences
2007 Member - Review panel for OARDC SEEDS competitive grants for graduate students
American Phytopathological Society
2008 & 2009- Member - Biotechnology Committee
Molecular and Cellular Phytopathology Committee
Park, Chan-Ho; Chen, Songbiao; Shirsekar, Gautam; Zhou Bo; Khang, Chang Hyun; Songkumarn, Pattavipha; Afzal, Ahmed J.; Ning, Yuese; Wang, Ruyi; Bellizzi, Maria; Valent, Barbara and Wang, Guo-Liang. 2012. The Magnaporthe oryzae Effector AvrPiz-t Targets the RING E3 Ubiquitin Ligase APIP6 to Supress Pathogen-Associated Molecular Pattern-Triggered Immunity in Rice. The Plant Cell, Nov. 2012. > Open access article
Liu, J., Li, W., Ning, Y., Shirsekar, G., Cai, Y., Wang, X., Dai, L., Wang, Z., Liu, W. & Wang, G.L. (2012). The U-Box E3 ligase SPL11/PUB13 is a convergence point of defense and flowering signaling in plants. Plant Physiol 160, 28-37
Shirsekar GS, Dai L, Hu Y, Wang X, Zeng L and Wang GL (2010) Role of Ubiquitination in Plant Innate Immunity and Pathogen Virulence. Journal of Plant Biology 53(1): 10-18
Mishra AN, Shirsekar GS, Yadav SR, Dubey VG, Kaushal K, Prasad SVS and Pandey HN (2009) Protocols for evaluating resistance to leaf and stem rusts in durum and bread wheats. Indian Phytopathology 62(4): 461-468
Mishra AN, Kaushal K, Shirsekar GS, Yadav SR, Brahma RN and Pandey HN. 2005. Genetic basis of seedling resistance to leaf rust in bread wheat ‘Thatcher’. Plant Breeding 124(5):514-516.
Mishra AN, Kaushal K, Yadav SR, Shirsekar GS and Pandey HN. 2005. A leaf rust resistance gene different from Lr 34 is associated with leaf tip necrosis in wheat. Plant Breeding 124(5): 517-519.
Mishra AN, Kaushal K, Yadav SR, Shirsekar GS and Pandey HN. 2005. Linkage between the stem rust resistance gene Sr 2 and pseudo-black chaff in wheat can be broken. Plant Breeding 124(5):520-522.
Mishra AN, Kaushal K, Shirsekar GS, Yadav SR and Pandey HN. 2005. Diverse sources of stem rust resistance identified in durum wheat. Indian Phytopathology 58 (3): 335-338