Mosquera-Yuqui, F., Flores, F. J., Moncayo, E. A., Garzón-Proaño, B. A., Méndez, M. A., Guevara, F. E., Quito-Avila, D. F., Viera, W., Cornejo-Franco, J. F., Izquierdo, A. R., & Noceda, C. (2022). Phylodynamics and Coat Protein Analysis of Babaco Mosaic Virus in Ecuador. Plants.
Guevara, F. E., Paredes, E., Viera, W. F., Noceda, C., and Flores, F. J. (2021). Detection of hibiscus latent Fort Pierce virus in hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.) and in a water source in Ecuador. J Plant Pathology.
Guevara, F., & Flores, F. (2021). Near-Complete Genome Sequence of Ryegrass Mottle Virus from Irrigation Water in Ecuador. Microbiology resource announcements, 10(18), e00037-21.
Ramos, K., Sivaprasad, Y., Guevara, F., Ochoa-Corona, F., Viera, W., and Flores, F. (2019). Occurrence of potato yellowing virus in naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.) in Ecuador. J Plant Pathology.
Flores, F., Garrido, P., Guevara, F., Granda, R. (2019). Complete genome sequence of Lily symptomless virus, isolated from Alstroemeria plants in Ecuador. Microbiology resource announcements, 368-19.
F. E. Guevara, M. A. Oviedo, M. Corral, W. F. Viera, P. A. Garrido, A. Leon-Reyes, and F. J. Flores. (2019). First Report of Alternaria Brown Spot in Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) Caused by Alternaria alternata in Ecuador. Plant Disease.
- Guevara F. et al. (2022). “Bacteria associated with lettuce hydroponic production systems in Ohio”. Plant Health 2021. (Poster presentation).
- Guevara F. et al. (2021). “Understanding microbial communities’ composition for management practice improvement in lettuce hydroponic systems in Ohio.”. Plant Health 2021. (Poster presentation).
- F. E. Guevara, W. Viera y F. J. Flores. (2018). “Secuenciacion masiva paralela en la identificacion de virus fitopatogenos en aguas de riego.” pp 123. Published in: IV Congreso Internacional de Biotecnologia y Biodiversidad 2018 IV CIBB2018 Primera Edicion ISBN: 978-9942-922-16-8. (Poster presentation).
- Guevara, F. et al. (2017). “Identificacion de Potexvirus, Tombusvirus y Tobamovirus en aguas de riego y plantas de babaco (Vasconcellea x heilbornii) en la provincia de Pichincha”. Published in: Memorias del 3er Simposio en Fitopatología, Control Biologico e Interacciones Planta-Patógeno. Archivos Academicos USFQ, 10, 1-80. ISSN: 2528-7753. (Poster presentation).