Profile TabsProfileFerdous-e ElahiPhD 2018Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD) Graduate Fellowelahi.3@osu.eduOffice: Selby Hall, WoosterProfessional InformationDegrees & Credentials: MS Plant Pathology ShereBangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, BangladeshBS Agriculture, Honors, ShereBangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, BangladeshBiography: Identification and Management of Bacterial Soft Rot of Potato Potato is one of the most popular food crops in Bangladesh. In some countries, it is used as alternative to rice or wheat, but mainly as a vegetable in Bangladesh. It contributes alone around 54% of the total annual vegetable production. It is reported that in Bangladesh, every year due to storage diseases, around 2-9% losses of tubers take place per Potato storages. Among all the biotic diseases, Bacterial soft rot is considered as one of the most destructive vegetables disease in storage and transit conditions. As very little is known about the characteristics of Bacterial soft rot of Potato in Bangladesh, my research focuses on the identification of the causal agent of Bacterial soft rot of Potato up to the subspecies level and development of proper chemical and biological control methods against it. Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD) Graduate PhD Fellow Education MS Plant Pathology ShereBangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Dissertation topic: Role of Mycorrhiza on growth and nutrient uptake by different agricultural crops in arsenic amended soil BS Agriculture, Honors, ShereBangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Experience Research Scientist, Plant Pathology Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bangladesh Activities American Phytopathological Society APS Press, booth volunteer, 2014 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association Other 2014, Leadership-development training, Michigan State University (Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development) WorksPublications F. E. Elahi, M. A. U. Mridha and F. M. Aminuzzaman. 2012. Role of AMF on plant growth, nutrient uptake, arsenic toxicity and chlorophyll content of chili in arsenic amended soil. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research 37: 635-644 F.E. Elahi, F.M. Aminuzzaman, M.A.U. Mridha, B. Begum and A.K.M.Y. Harun. 2010. AMF Inoculation Reduced Arsenic Toxicity and Increased Growth, Nutrient Uptake and Chlorophyll Content of Tomato Grown in Arsenic Amended Soil. Advances in Environmental Biology, 4(2): 194200, Short communication: F. E. Elahi, M. Mynul Islam, M. R. Humauan, B. Akter, K. M. Khalequzzaman and T. K. Dey. 2011. First Report on Club root disease (Plasmodiophora brassicae) on mustard in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Plant Pathol. Vol 27 (1&2): 7172. Booklet:(In Bengali) a. Cucumber diseases and its control strategies b. Soil borne diseases of crops and it’s integrated management - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData