CFAES Give Today
Plant Pathology

Department of Plant Pathology


Dorrance Lab

Dorrance Lab (2012)

Bhupendra Acharya - MS student

Christine Balk - Research Aide

Andika Gunadi - MS student

Sungwoo Lee - PhD student (Horticulture and Crop Science)

Clifton Martin - Research associate

Chanda Phelan - Student assistant

Diane Plewa - PhD student

Damitha Wickramasinghe - Research associate


Graduationi 2011 Left to right: Maggie Ellis, Anne Dorrance and Hehe Wang at Autumn Commencement, December 2011.




Damitha Wickramasinghe (far left) and Jenalle Eck



Clifton Martin (far left) and Chrissy Balk


Andika Gunadi, MS student in Plant Pathology, was awarded a $5000 graduate scholarship from the Ohio Soybean Council Foundation for the 2011-2012 academic year.  Gunadi, whose advisor is Anne E. Dorrance, earned a BS in Biochemistry from Ohio State.  He entered the graduate program in 2010 and is working on the project, "Linkage Analysis and Sequence Characterization of Rps8 and Rps3 Resistance Genes in Soybean Chromosome 13."  OSCF scholarships are awarded competitively based on merit to students enrolled at Ohio universities engaged in soybean research.  Previous scholarship awardees from Dorrance's program include Hehe Wang (2010-2011) and Margaret L. Ellis (2009-2010).




Congratulations to Maggie Ellis (center), 2010 recipient of the
C. C. Allison award in recognition of outstanding research accomplishments and service to the department.  Maggie's research involves assessment of of soybean genotypes for resistance to Pythium spp.  She has served as president and vice-president of the Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association at Ohio State.


gunadi_gearhart   Andika Gunadi (far left) and Kate Gearhart at the 2010 Spring Symposium 


LAB108   Left to right: Hehe Wang, Sue Ann Berry and Maria Andrea Ortega.

 Graduate Student award recipients and presenters at the APS North Central Divison meeting, June 21-23, 2009,  Iowa State.


Zhifen Zhang, 2nd place, "Mapping multiple novel resistance genes against Phytophthora sojae in soybean PI 408211B."  Anne Dorrance, advisor.

Margaret Ellis, 3rd place, "Assessment of soybean genotypes for resistance to Pythium spp.: Key to managing this seedling disease complex."  Anne Dorrance and Pierce Paul, advisors.

Also presenting: Hehe Wang and Maria Andrea Ortega (Anne Dorrance, advisor).

SEEDS - The OARDC Enhancement Competitive Grants Program, Graduate Rsearch Competition awards, 2009.

Margaret Ellis.  Assessment of Soybean Genotypes for Resistance to Pythium spp.: Key to Managing this Seedling Disease Complex.




commencement 2  

Kirk D. Broders
Ph.D., Plant Pathology, December 2008
(Major advisor, Anne Dorrance)
Dissertation - Seed and seedling disease of corn and soybean in Ohio: the role of Fusarium graminearum, Pythium species diversity, fungicide sensitivity, Pythium community composition, and soil properties in disease severity.

Broders walks across the stage (left) at Autumn commencement on Dec. 15.


cruz graduation  

Christian Cruz
M.S., Plant Pathology, December 2008
(Major advisor, Anne Dorrance)
Thesis - Impact of foliar diseases on soybean in Ohio: Frogeye leaf spot and Septoria brown spot.