Robbie Beaulieu
Comparative Studies major, Honors Program, Ohio State, 2008
Undergraduate Honors Thesis research: Dollar spot disease on turfgrass; investigations into oxalic acid production in Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, the causal agent of dollar spot.
Robbie was honored as one of Ohio State's top scholars as the recipient of a Fulbright scholarship. Robbie is currently studying with Jose Pascual, Centro de Edafologa y Biologa Aplicasa del Segura, Murcia, Spain.
Fall 2008 - Papa Diedhiou (Universite de Theis, Senegal), Mike Boehm, Sarah Ellis Williams, and Kenneth Shenge (Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria).
Fall 2007 - Visiting scientists Joseph Honger (second from left) and Eric Cornelius (second from right) from the University of Ghana, and Boane Kwerepe, University of Botswana (far right).