Testen. A.L., Mamiro, D.P., Nahson, J., Mtui, H.D., Miller, S.A. 2016. Evaluation of plant health programs using Outcome Mapping. Plant Health Progress 17:254-260.
Testen, A.L., Mamiro, D.P., Mtui, H.D., Mbega, E.R., Nahson, J. Francis, D.M., Miller, S.A. 2016. Introduction and evaluation of tomato germplasm by participatory mother and baby trials in the Morogoro Region of Tanzania. HortScience 51:1467-1474.
Testen, A.L., Baysal-Gurel, F., Mamiro, D.P., Miller, S.A. 2015. First report of tomato big bud caused by a 16SrII-C phytoplasma in Tanzania. Plant Disease 99:1854.
Testen, A.L., Baysal-Gurel, F., Mamiro, D.P., Miller, S.A. 2015. First report of tomato big bud caused by a 16SrII-C phytoplasma in Tanzania. Plant Disease
Testen, A.L., Nahson, J., Mamiro, D.P., Miller, S.A. 2015. First report of tomato pith necrosis caused by Pseudomonas cichorii in Tanzania. Plant Disease 99:1035.
Subedi, N., Testen, A.L., Baysal-Gurel, F., Miller, S.A. 2015. First report of black leaf mold of tomato caused by Pseudocercospora fuligena in Ohio. Plant Disease 99:285.
Testen, A.L., Walsh, E.K., Taylor, C.G., Miller, S.A., Lopez-Nicora, H.D.2014. First report of bloat nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) infecting garlic in Ohio. Plant Disease 98:859.
Testen, A.L., Mamiro, D.P., Meulia, T., Subedi, N., Islam, M., Baysal-Gurel, F., Miller, S.A. 2014. First report of Leek yellow stripe virus in Ohio. Plant Disease 98:574.
Testen, A.L., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Ochoa, J.B., Backman, P.A. 2014. Molecular detection of Peronospora variabilis in quinoa seed and phylogeny of the quinoa downy mildew pathogen in South America and the United States. Phytopathology 104:379-386.
Testen, A.L., McKemy, J.M., and Backman, P.A. 2013. First report of Ascochyta leaf spot of quinoa caused by Ascochyta sp. in the United States. Plant Disease 97:844.
Testen, A.L., McKemy, J.M., and Backman, P.A. 2013. First report of Passalora leafspot of quinoa caused by Passalora dubia in the United States. Plant Disease 97:139.
Testen, A.L., McKemy, J.M., and Backman, P.A. 2012. First report of quinoa downy mildew caused by Peronospora variabilis in the United States. Plant Disease 96:146.
Melnick, R.L., Testen, A.L., Poleatewich, A.M., Backman, P.A., Bailey, B.A. 2012. Detection and expression of enterotoxin genes in endophytic strains of Bacillus cereus. Letters in Applied Microbiology 54:468-474.
Think local, act globally: Meeting stakeholders’ needs in developing countries. A. TESTEN, S. Miller. Oral presentation, American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, July 30-Aug. 3, 2016, Tampa, Florida.
Testen, A.L. and Miller, S.A. 2014. Linking soil and plant health to improve tomato production in the Morogoro Region of Tanzania. Invited Seminar, Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Office of International Programs. University Park, PA. December 5, 2014. (Oral)
Testen, A.L., Mamiro, D.P., Mbega, E.R., Miller, S.A. 2014. Seeding a participatory soil and plant health program in Morogoro, Tanzania. Phytopathology 104: S3.156.
Special Session: Beyond Borlaug: How the Next Generation of Plant Pathologists Are Advancing the Green Revolution, 2014 APS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. (Oral)
Testen, A.L., Ochoa, J.B., Plata, G. Backman, P.A. 2013. Detection of Peronospora variabilis in quinoa seeds. Phytopathology 103 S2:191. 2013. Special Session: Plant Pathologists of the Future Symposium, 2013 Annual APS Meeting, Austin, TX. (Oral)
Testen, A.L. and Backman, P.A. 2013. Plant growth promoting characteristics of Bacillus species associated with Chenopodium quinoa. Phytopathology 103 S2.144.. 2013 Annual APS Meeting, Austin, TX. (Poster)