Poster Presentations
The impact of soil diversity on the tomato seedling microbiome, The CFAES Annual Research Conference, Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, OSU, Columbus, OH. April 22, 2019
The impact of soil diversity on the tomato seedling microbiome, Front Range Microbiome Symposium, Canvas Stadium, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. April 19, 2019
The impact of soil diversity on the tomato seedling microbiome, 2nd Ohio State University Plant Sciences Symposium: “Enhancing Plant Science through Technology, Communication, and Innovation”, Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, OSU, Columbus, OH. March 30, 2019
Oral Presentations
The chicken crossed the pasture… and then what?: A study on the impact of chicken-grazed soils on the bacterial microbiome of tomato plants, Plant Pathology Graduate Student Spring Symposium, OSU, Columbus, OH. May 9, 2019
Puerto Rico: The Reality of “Paradise”, Cultural Connections: “Where Culture Meets Agriculture” Series, OARDC, OSU, Wooster, OH. November 1, 2018