Zhang, Xiuchun; Zhang, Xiaofeng; Singh, Jasleen; Li, Dawei; and Qu, Feng. 2012. "Temperature-dependent survival of Turnip crinkle virus-infected Arabidopsis plants relies on an RNA silencing-based defense that requires DCL2, AGO2, and HEN1". Journal of Virology. 86: 6847-6854.
Han, Junping; Domier, Leslie; Dorrance, Anne; Qu, Feng. 2012. Complete genome sequence of a novel pararetrovirus isolated from soybean. Journal of Virology 86: 9555
De La Torre, Carola; Feng Qu; Margaret G. Redinbaugh and Dennis Lewandowski. 2012. Biological and molecular characterization of a US isolate of Hosta virus X. Phytopathology (In press)
Young, BA, Stenger, DC, Qu, F, Morris, TJ, Tatineni, S, and French, R. 2012. Tritimovirus P1 functions as a suppressor of. RNA silencing and an enhancer of disease symptoms. Virus Research 163: 672-677.
Zhang, X., Sato, S., Ye, X., Dorrance, A.E., Morris, T.J., Clemente, T. E. and Qu, F. 2011. Robust RNAi-based resistance to mixed infection of three viruses in soybean plants expressing separate short hairpins from a single transgene. Phytopathology 101:1264-1269.
Feng Qu. 2010. Antiviral role of plant-encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerases revisited with deep 1 sequencing of small interfering RNAs of virus origin. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 23, 1248-1252.
Mingxia Cao, Xiaohong Ye, Kristen Willie, Junyan Lin, Xiuchun Zhang, Margaret G. Redinbaugh, Anne E. Simon, T. Jack Morris, and Feng Qu. 2010. The capsid protein of Turnip crinkle virus overcomes two separate defense barriers to facilitate viral systemic movement in Arabidopsis. Journal of Virology. 84, 7793-7802.
Feng Qu 2010. Plant viruses versus RNAi: Simple pathogens reveal complex insights on plant anti-microbial defense. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA (WIREs RNA). 1, 22-33
Feng Qu, Xiaohong Ye, and T. Jack Morris (2008). Arabidopsis DRB4, AGO1, and AGO7 participate in a DCL4-initiated antiviral RNA silencing pathway that is negatively regulated by DCL1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Sept. 23, 2008 (Vol 105, no. 38: 14732-14737).
Powers, Jason G.; Sit, Tim L.; Qu, Feng; Morris, T. Jack; Kim, Kook-Hyung; Lommel, Steven A. 2008. A versatile assay for the identification of Rna silencing suppressors based on complementation of viral movement. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. Vol. 21, no. 7: 879-890.
Feng Qu and T. Jack Morris (2007). Plant Virus Silencing Suppressors and RNA Silencing in Plants. In: ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester [10.1002/9780470015902.a0020710].
Drake C. Stenger, Brock A. Young, Feng Qu, T. Jack Morris, and Roy French (2007). Wheat streak mosaic virus lacking HC-Pro is competent to produce disease synergism in mixed infections with Maize chlorotic mottle virus. Phytopathology 97, 1213-1221.
Feng Qu, and T. Jack Morris (2007). Carmoviruses. A chapter in the book "Encyclopedia of Virology" 3rd edition. Academic Press.
Feng Qu, Xiaohong Ye, Hou, G., Shirley Sato, Thomas E. Clemente and T. Jack Morris (2005). The Nicotiana benthamiana homolog of SDE1/SGS2/RDR6 functions in a temperature-dependent manner to defend both differentiated tissues and shoot apices against viral invasion. Journal of Virology 79, 15209-15217.
Feng Qu, and T. Jack Morris (2005). Suppressors of RNA silencing encoded by plant viruses and their role in viral infections. FEBS Letters 579, 5958-5964.
Tao Ren, Feng Qu and T. Jack Morris (2005). The nuclear localization of the Arabidopsis transcription factor TIP is blocked by its interaction with the coat protein of Turnip Crinkle Virus. Virology 331, 316-324.
Chang Won Choi, Feng Qu, Tao Ren, Xiaohong Ye and T. Jack Morris (2004). The RNA silencing suppressor function of Turnip crinkle virus coat protein cannot be attributed to its interaction with the Arabidopsis protein TIP. Journal of General Virology 85, 3415-3420.
Feng Qu, Tao Ren, and T. Jack Morris (2003). The coat protein of Turnip crinkle virus suppresses post-transcriptional gene silencing at an early initiation step. Journal of Virology 77, 511-522.
Feng Qu, and T. Jack Morris (2002). Efficient infection of Nicotiana benthamiana by Tomato bushy stunt virus is facilitated by the coat protein and maintained by p19 through suppression of gene silencing. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction 15, 193-202.
T. Jack Morris, Tao Ren, and Feng Qu (2001). Viral-Host Interactions exemplified by plant viruses of Tombusviridae: The role of viral coat proteins and a silencing suppressor in disease development. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union. P 84-87. University of Evora, Portugal.
Feng Qu, and T. Jack Morris (2000). Cap-independent translational enhancement of Turnip crinkle virus genomic and subgenomic RNAs. Journal of Virology 74, 1085-1093.
* Tao Ren, Feng Qu (co-first author) and T. Jack Morris (2000). HRT gene function requires interaction between a NAC protein and viral capsid protein to confer resistance to Turnip crinkle virus. The Plant Cell 12, 1917-1925.
Yuval Cohen, Feng Qu, Andreas Gisel, T. Jack Morris, and Patricia C. Zambryski (2000). Nuclear localization of Turnip crinkle virus movement protein p8. Virology 273, 276-285.
Feng Qu, and T. Jack Morris (1999). Carmoviruses. A chapter in the book "Encyclopedia of Virology" 2nd edition. Academic Press.
Wen zhe Li, Feng Qu, and T. Jack Morris (1998). Cell to cell movement of turnip crinkle virus is controlled by two small open reading frames that function in trans. Virology 244, 405-416.
Feng Qu, and T. Jack Morris (1997) Encapsidation of turnip crinkle virus is defined by a specific packaging signal and RNA size. Journal of Virology 71, 1428 1435.
Feng Qu, Wenxue Zhai, Hao Chen, Li-Huang Zhu, and T. Jack Morris (1996). Cloning, characterization and transient expression of the gene encoding a rice U3 small nuclear RNA. Gene 172, 217 220.
Reinhard Gruner, Andreas Fels, Feng Qu, Rolf Zimmat, Gerhard Steger, and Detlev Riesner (1995). Interdependence of pathology and replicability with potato spindle tuber viroid Virology 209,60 69.
Feng Qu, Cornelia Heinrich, Peter Loss, Gerhard Steger, Po Tien, and Detlev Riesner (1993). Multiple pathways of reversion in viroids for conservation of structural elements. The EMBO Journal 12, 2129 2139.
Heng Zhu, Feng Qu and Li Huang Zhu (1993). Isolation of genomic DNAs from plants, fungi and bacteria using benzyl chloride. Nucleic Acids Research 21, 5279 5280.
Detlev Riesner, Tilman Baumstark, Feng Qu, Thorsten Klahn, Peter Loss, Volker Rosenbaum, Michael Schmitz, and Gerhard Steger (1992). Physical basis and biological examples of metastable RNA structures. In "Structural Tools for The Analysis of Protein Nucleic Acids Complexes" (eds. Lilley, D.M.J., Heumann, H. and Suck, D.) Birkhaeuser Verlag AG, Basel p401 435.
Feng Qu, Tien Po and Detlev Riesner (1993) A stable structure of viroids in vitro also exists in infected plants (in Chinese). Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 25, 571 576.
Feng Qu and Tien Po (1993) Recent advances in viroid research (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Virology 9, 287 299.
Feng Qu, Yan Shide and Liu Hanming (1988) Preparation of antisera against the common invasive plasmid encoded proteins of Shigella spp. and entero invasive E.Coli ( EIEC) (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 9, 87 91.
Feng Qu, Yan Shide and Liu Hanming (1988) Establishment of plasmid coded contact hemolytic activity test for detection of invasivety of Shigella spp. (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 9, 97 99.