Terry Niblack continues to serve in her role as acting senior associate dean for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). Mike Boehm, Ohio State vice provost (and our former department chair and Ph.D. graduate), assumed a new leadership position at the University of Nebraska's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Melanie L. Lewis Ivey joined the faculty as assistant professor in 2016. Her responsibilities will include research, Extension and teaching in fruit pathology and fresh produce safety. Ivey earned her PhD in plant pathology from Ohio State, MS in plant sciences from the University of Western Ontaro (Western University), and BS in Microbiology from the University of Guelph, Canada. Ivey is based on the Wooster campus.
Larry Madden continues to serve as the department’s acting chair, and Guo-Liang Wang is acting associate chair.
More Info
University of Nebraska news > Michael Boehm named university's IANR chief
Faculty, staff and graduate students website profiles > plantpath.osu.edu/our-people