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Plant Pathology

Department of Plant Pathology


2012 Video Awards

Phytopathology News, August-September 2012

2012 Video contest

This year, the Office of Public Relations and Outreach (OPRO) received two excellent videos for the 2012 Video Contest.  Contest winner Sarah Williams submitted a video for the "What is Plant Pathology" category, highlighting various members of The Ohio State University Plant Pathology Department and what they are working on in the field.  Asking, "Did you know?" throughout the video, the students and faculty point out some common plant diseases and issues in the world right now and what they are doing to help solve them.  Williams will receive $500 for the Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association.

Our runner-up this year goes to Monica Lewandowski, OSU, for her NCIS spoof in the category, "It's a Microbial World After All."  Her in-depth look at what causes Dutch Elm disease is educational and fun!  Lewandowski will receive $500 for the Plant Health Management Forum at OSU.

You can view both videos and several others on the APS Youtube video website (

Congratulations to this year's winners!  Awards will be given out at the Graduate Student Social during the APS Meeting in Rhode Island.