Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello |
Molecular and Chemical Ecology of Trees |
http://plantpath.osu.edu/bonellolab/ |
Anne E. Dorrance, Pierce A. Paul |
Ohio Field Crop Diseases |
http://oardc.osu.edu/ohiofieldcropdisease/ |
Anne E. Dorrance |
Soybean Pathology |
http://oardc.osu.edu/soybeanpathology/t01_pageview/Home.htm |
Jonathan M. Jacobs |
Emerging Infectious Disease Ecology Laboratory |
https://u.osu.edu/doctorjj/ |
Laurence (Larry) V. Madden |
Madden Highlights |
Sally A. Miller |
Vegetable Pathology |
http://oardc.osu.edu/sallymiller/ |
Pierce A. Paul |
Paul Lab |
Jason C. Slot |
Slot Lab for Fungal Evolutionary Ecology |
http://u.osu.edu/slot.1/ |
Dr. Guo-Liang Wang |
Wang Laboratory for Plant Disease Resistance and Functional Genomics |
http://wanglab.cfaes.ohio-state.edu |