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Plant Pathology

Department of Plant Pathology


Mitchell publications

Yangrae, C., Kwang-Hyung, K., Mauricio, L.R., Scott, D., Santopietro, G., Callihan, M., Mitchell, T.K., and C. Lawrence Identification of novel virulence factors associated with signal transduction pathways in Alternaria brassicicola. Submitted Molecular Microbiology.


Jeong, J.S., Mitchell, T.K., and R. Dean. Carbon metabolism, growth, and virulence are controlled by FTT1, a 14-3-3 homolog in Magnaporthe grisea. Submitted to Molecular Plant Pathology.


Craven, K.D., Valez, E., Hicks, R., Cho, Y., Lawrence C.B., and T. K. Mitchell (2008). The role of anastomosis in pathogenicity of the fungal pathogen Alternaria brassicicola. Eukaryotic Cell 7:675-683.


Ellis, S.D., Boehm, M.J., and T.K. Mitchell (2008).  Fungal and Fungal-Like Diseases of Plants > OSU Extension Fact Sheet PP 401.07


Lawrence, C.B., T.K. Mitchell, K.D. Craven, Y. Cho, R.A. Cramer, and K.H. Kim (2008).  Knocking on Death?s Door: Alternaria Pathogenicity Mechanisms.  Plant Pathology Journal 24, 101-111.


Oh, Y. Y., Donofrio, N., Pan, H., Coughlan, S., Brown, D., Meng, S., Mitchell, T., and R. Dean (2008). Transcriptome analysis reveals new insight into appressorium formation and function in the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. Genome Biology 9:R85.


Mitchell, T.K., R. A. Dean, J-R. Xu, H. Zhu, Y. Oh, and H-S. Rho (2008). Protein Chips and Chromatin Immunoprecipitation ? Emerging Technologies to Study Macromolecule Interactions in M. grisea. In Advances in Genetics, Genomics, and Control of Rice Blast Disease. In press.


Betts, M., Tucker, S., Galadima, N., Meng, Y., Patel, G., Li, L., Donofrio, N., Floyd, A., Nolin, S., Brown, D., Mandel, M.A., Mitchell, T., Xu, J-R., Dean, R., Farman, M., and M. Orbach (2007).  Development of a high throughput transformation system for insertional mutagenesis in Magnaporthe grisea.  Fungal Genetics and Biology, 44:1035-1049.


Yangre, C., Cramer, R., Kwang-Hyung, K., Davis, J., Mitchell, T., Figuli, P., Prayor, B., Lemasters, E., and C. Lawrence, (2007).  The Fus3/Kss1 MAP kinase homolog amk1 regulates the expression of several hydrolytic enzyme genes in the fungus Alternaria brassicicola. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 44:543-553.


Torto-Alalibo, T., Tripathy, S., Smith, B.M., Arredondo, F., Zhou, L., Li, H., Qutob, D., Gijzen, M., Mao, C., Sobral, B.W.S., Waugh, M.E., Mitchell, T.K., Dean, R.A., and B. M. Tyler, (2007). Expressed sequence tags from Phytophthora sojae reveal genes specific to development and infection.  Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 20:781-793.


Jeong, J., Mitchell, T., and R. Dean, (2007). Characterization of the Magnaporthe grisea snodprot1 homolog, MgSPH1. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 273:157-165.


Walker, N.R., Mitchell, T.K., Morton, A.N., Marek, S.M., (2006). Influence of temperature and time of year on colonization of bermudagrass roots by Ophiosphaerella herpotricha.  Plant Disease, 90: 1326-1330.


Soderlund, C., K. Haller, V. Pampanwar, D. Ebbole, M. Farman, M. Orbach, G. Wang, R. Wing, J. Xu, D. Brown, T. Mitchell, R. Dean (2006). MGOS: a resource for studying Magnaporthe grisea and Oryza sativa interactions. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions, 19:1055-1061.


Taylor, T.V., Mitchell, T.K., Daub, M.E., (2006). An Oxidoreductase is required for cercosporin degradation by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. zinniae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72:6070-6078.


Donofrio, N., Oh, Y., Lundy, R., Pan, H., Jeong, J., Coughlan, S., Mitchell, T., Dean, R. (2006). Gene expression during nitrogen starvation in the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 43:605-617.


Thon, M.R., Pan, H., Diener, S., Papalas, J., Taro, A., Mitchell, T.K., Dean, R.A., (2006).  The role of transposable element clusters in genome evolution and loss of synteny in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Genome Biology, 7: R16.


Cramer, R.A., La Rota, C. M., Cho, Y., Thon, M., Craven, K.D., Knudson, D.L., Mitchell, T.K., Lawrence, C.B. (2006). Bioinformatic analysis of expressed sequence tags derived from a compatible Alternaria brassicicola-Brassica oleracea interaction. Molecular Plant Pathology 7:113-124.


Dean, R., Talbot, N., Ebbole, D., Farman, M., Mitchell, T., Orbach, M., Thon, M., Kulkarni, R., Xu, J-R., Huaqin, P., Read, N., Lee, Y-H., Carbone, I., Brown, D., Soanes, D., Djonovic, S., Kolomiets, E., Rehmeyer, C., Li, W., Harding, M., Lebrun, M-H., Bohnert, H., Kim, S., Galagan, J., Birren, B., (2005). Analysis of the genome sequence of the plant pathogenic fungus Magnaporthe grisea, the causal agent of rice blast disease.  Nature  434:980-986.


Donofrio, N., Rajagopalon, R., Brown, D., Diener, S., Windham, D., Nolin, S., Floyd, A., Mitchell, T., Galadima, N., Tucker, S., Orbach, M.J., Patel, G., Farman, M., Pampanwar, V., Soderlund, C., Lee, Y-H., Dean, R.A. (2005) PACLIM:  A component LIM system for high-throughput functional genomic analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 6:94-100.


Craven, K.D., Peterson, P.D., Mitchell, T.K., Martin, S.B. (2005). Molecular identification of the turfgrass rapid blight pathogen.  Mycologia 97: 160-166.


Diener, S., Chellappan, M.K., Mitchell, T.K., Dunn-Coleman, N., Ward, M., Dean, R.A. (2004).  Insight into Trichoderma reesei's genome content, organization and evolution revealed through BAC library characterization.  Fungal Genetics and Biology 41:1077-1087.


Mitchell, T.K., Alejos-Gonzalez, F., Gracz, H.S., Danehower, D.A., Daub, M.E., Chilton, W.S. (2003). Xanosporic acid, an intermediate in bacterial degradation of the fungal phototoxin cercosporin. Phytochemistry 62:723-732.


Diener, S.E., Dunn-Coleman, N., Foreman, P., Houfek, T.D., Teunissen, P.J.M., van Solingen, P., Dankmeyer, L., Mitchell, T.K., Ward, M., Dean, R.A. (2003). Characterization of the protein processing and secretion pathways in a comprehensive set of expressed sequence tags from Trichoderma reesei. FEMS Microbiology Letters 230:275-285.


Foreman, P.K., Brown, D., Dankmeyer, L., Dean, R.A, Diener, S., Dunn-Coleman, N.S. Goedegebuur, F., Houfek, T.D., England, G.J., Kelley, A.S, Meerman, H.J., Mitchell, T.K., Mitchinson, C., Olivares, H.A., Teunissen, P.J.M., Yao, J., Ward, M. (2003). Transcriptional regulation of biomass-degrading enzymes in the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei. Journal of Biological Chemistry.


Takano, Y., Choi, W., Mitchell, T.K., Okuno, T. and Dean, R.A (2003). Large-scale parallel analysis of gene expression during infection-related morphogenesis of Magnaporthe grisea.  Molecular Plant Pathology 4: 337-346.


Mitchell, T.K., Thon, M.R., Jeong, J-S., Brown, D.E., Deng, J., Dean, R.A. (2003). The rice blast pathosystem as a case study for the development of new tools and raw materials for genome analysis of fungal plant pathogens. New Phytologist 159: 53-61.


Zhu, H., Bilgin, M., Bangham, R., Hall, D., Casamayor, A., Bertone, P., Lan, N., Jansen, R., Bidlingmaier, S., Houfek, T., Mitchell, T.K., Miller, P., Dean, R., Gerstein, M., and Snyder, M. (2002).  Global analysis of protein activities using proteome chips. Science 293:2101-2105.


Mitchell, T.K., Chilton, S., and Daub, M.E. (2002).  Bio-degradation of the polyketide toxin cercosporin. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68: 4173-4181.


Martin, S.L., Blackmon, B., Rajagopalan, R., Houfek, T.D., Sceeles, R.G., Denn, S.O., Mitchell, T.K., Brown, D.E., Wing, R.A., Dean, R.A (2002). MagnaportheDB: a federated solution for integrating physical and genetic map data with BAC end derived sequences for the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. Nucleic Acids Research, 30:121-124.


Waugh, M.E., Tyler, B.M., Mitchell, T.K., Houfek, T.D, Dean, R.A., Anderston, W.T., Inman, J.T., Schilkey, F.D., Sullivan, J.P., Bell, C.J. (2002). The Phytophthora Genome Consortium Database. Nucleic Acids Research.


Mitchell, T.K., and Dean, R.A. (1995).  cAMP Dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit is required for appressorium formation by the rice blast pathogen, Magnaporthe grisea.  Plant Cell 7,1869-1878.


Reviews, Books, or Chapters

Knocking on Death's Door: Alternaria Pathogenicity Mechanisms.  C.B. Lawrence and T.K. Mitchell.  Korean Journal of Plant Pathology. Review Article 2008.


Dean, R.A., Blackmon, B.P., Brooks, J.C., Gilbert, R.D., Liu, S., Mitchell, T.K., Shieh, M.T., and Zhu, H. (1996). Cells surface communication in appressorium development by Magnaporthe grisea.  In: Molecular aspects of Pathogenicity and Resistance: Requirement for Signal Transduction, D. Mills, H. Kunoh, N.T. Keen, and S. Mayama (eds.). American Phytopathological Society Press, pp. 59-71.


Dean, R.A., Lee, Y-H., Mitchell, T.K., and Whitehead, D.S. (1995).  Signaling systems and gene expression regulating appressorium formation in Magnaporthe grisea. In: Rice Blast Diseases.  R.S. Zigler, S.A. Leong, and P.S. Teng (eds.). Cambridge University Press, pp.23-34.