K-12 Outreach and Engagement
- Provided afternoon laboratory experience for 30 boys ages 8-12 for Compassionate Tabernacle of Faith At Risk program
- Mentor to 7 high school students from Southeastern Wake High School, Enloe High School, and Broughton High School in research projects at NCSU 2003-2007
- Laurinburg Charter High School - negotiated equipment donation by Fisher Scientific and provided 1-day research experience at NCSU for 8 students, 2004 / 2006 / 2007
- North Carolina Science Olympiad Coach, 2005-2007
- Developed 4 molecular biology research activity kits and rotations to North Carolina High Schools 2002-2007
- Imhotep Academy, middle school students, invited speaker and conducted DNA activity 2003, 2005, 2006
- Relating Genomics to Everyday Life - 1-week workshop for high school teachers, created and delivered workshop June 2003 and 2006
- Relating Genomics to Everyday Life - 1 day weekend workshop for high school teachers, created and delivered 4 workshops 2003 - 2006
- Presentation at Campbell University Summer High School Teacher's Workshop - July 2004
- The Girl Scouts of America and Boy Scouts of America - 6 tour groups of 6 scouts each over 3 weeks summer 2004 and fall 2006
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute - High School Intern Program - July 2003-2005
- Project SEED, American Chemical Society, student mentor for research project at NCSU 2003-2004, 2004-2005, both students received the highest honors in the program
- Kenan Institute, mentor to 2 high school teacher fellows 2003-2005
- North Carolina State Fair, Bio-frontiers - Biotechnology in Agriculture Exhibit, Organizer 2003, created booth and assembled, performed and distributed 40,000 science activities
- Presented discussions and activities at 28 high school classes and 5 middle school classes throughout North Carolina 2002-2007
Engagement with Underrepresented Groups
- National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates Program, program development and mentor to 3 students each summer at NCSU and placed 7 at collaborating universities
- Summer 2002-2005, 2 students for summer 2006
- Mentor to Dr. Sherrice Allen, faculty at Fayetteville State University, and student Ms. Quin Reynolds, summer research project at NCSU summer 2004, extended collaborative research at FSU 2004-2007
- The Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE), summer 2003-2006, mentor to 2 undergraduate students from Fayetteville State University each summer at NCSU
- Invited seminar speaker Fayetteville State University April 2005
- Invited seminar speaker UNC A&T November 2006
- Co-author of NSF and NIH grant proposals with Dr. Highsmith for curriculum and program development at Shaw University - 2004, 2005, 2005
- Presented laboratory exercises at Shaw University - Forensics Course 2003/2004, UNC A&T - Biotechnology Course 2005/2006, St. Augustine's College - Biology Course 2003, and UNC
- Pembroke - Biology and Physiology 2004, Fayetteville State University - Fungal Bio-terrorism 2006
- Development and implementation of microarray module for biotechnology course at UNC A&T for spring semester 2007