Mentored Teaching in Plant Pathology (PLNTPTH 8901)
Graduate students can develop teaching skills with a formal Mentored Teaching experience. This typically involves serving as a teaching assistant for a lab course, but other options are possible. The goal is to prepare students to be effective college teachers in the fields of plant health, plant pathology and/or plant-microbe interactions.
Student work one-on-one or in small groups with a faculty mentor who guides classroom activities. Students also study the scholarly aspects of education. The breadth and scope of the teaching experience can be individualized, depending on the interests and strengths of the student and mentor.
> Course Info
Teaching Experience Coordinator: Francesca Hand (
Mentored Extension/Outreach Teaching in Plant Pathology
(PLNTPTH 8902)
Graduate students can gain Extension/Outreach experience by working in our vibrant Extension program. Examples include assisting with or teaching Extension seminars/workshops, developing multimedia resources and web-based tools for growers, participating in international outreach, and writing newsletter articles or fact sheets.
Participants work one-on-one or in small groups with a faculty/staff mentor. Activities may include direct interaction with growers, industry groups or other clientele. Discussion of the scholarly aspects of Extension/Outreach is also part of the experience.. The breadth and scope of the experience can be individualized, depending on the mutual interests and strengths of the student and faculty/staff mentor.
> Course info
Extension/Outreach Coordinator: Melanie L. Ivey (