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Plant Pathology

Department of Plant Pathology


Archive 2000-2005

Dong, Xiaoyun
2005  PhD  Plant Pathology (Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology)
Functional investigation of Arabidopsis culture synthase and the signal transduction pathway.  Advisor:  D. Verma.

Huitema, Edgar
2005  PhD  Plant Pathology
Determinants of nonhost resistance to Phytophthora infestans.  Advisor: S. Kamoun.

Jo, Young-Ki
2005  Ph.D.  Plant Pathology
Management of Dollar Spot and Gray Leaf Spot on Turfgrass.  Advisor: M. Boehm.

Tian, Miaoying
2005  PhD  Plant Pathology
Functional characterization of extracellular protease inhibitors of Phytophthora infestans.  Advisor: S. Kamoun.

Zeng, Lirong
2005  PhD  Plant Pathology
A novel mechanism underlying programmed cell death in plant defense signaling.  Advisor: G. Wang.

Ariss (Cox), Jennifer J.
2001  MS  Plant Pathology
Effects of potato leafhopper injury and Fusarium crown rot on three alfalfa populations.  Advisor: L. Rhodes.

2005  PhD  Plant Pathology
Pathological factors affecting persistence in alfalfa with emphasis on diseases incited by Fusarium and Colletotricum species > OhioLINK ETD.  Advisor: L. Rhodes.

Engle, Jessica Sue
2002  MS  Plant Pathology
Evaluation and characterization of resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in winter wheat.  Advisor: P. Lipps.

2005  PhD  Plant Pathology
Pathogenic characterization, distribution in Ohio and wheat genotype reactions to Stagonospora nodorum and Pyrenophora tritici-repentis.  Advisor: P. Lipps.

Nita, Mizuho
2002  MS  Plant Pathology
2005  PhD  Plant Pathology
Epidemiology and management of Phomopsis cane and leaf spot of grape.
Visual assessment of Phomopsis leaf blight, and effects of wetness duration, temperature, and leaflet age on strawberry foliage infection by Phomopsis obscurans.  Advisor: L. Madden.

Joshi, Raghavendra
2005  MS  Plant Pathology
Identification, characterization of DNA sequences specific to Bacillus subtilis with biocontrol potential and development of PCR assay targeting them in multitemplate environment.  Advisor: B. McSpadden Gardener.

Whitten, Katherine R.
2005  MS
Foliar diseases of daylilies caused by Puccinia hemerocallidis and Aureobasidium microstictum.

Core, Amanda Brickner
2004  MS  Plant Pathology
Population dynamics and influence of application of the Fusarium head blight biological agent Crytococcus nodaensis on wheat.  Advisor: M. Boehm.

Gutierrez, Laura J.
2004   MS  Plant Pathology
Fungicide sensitivity and potential biological control of tomato fruit rot pathogens in Ohio.

LaForest, Joseph H.
2004  MS  Plant Pathology & Entomology
Effects of mulching and fertilization on ecological interactions between soil microbes, plants, herbivores and mycorrhizal fungi of paper birch in topsoil and inverted subsoil profiles.  Advisor: P. Bonello.

Thomas, Samantha L.
1999  MS  Plant Pathology
Microbial ecology of sand-based turfgrass root zone mixes.  Advisor: M. Boehm.

2004  PhD  Plant Pathology
The development and utilization of assays to characterize populations of Gaeumannomyces graminis.  Advisor: M. Boehm.

Wyenandt, Christian Andrew
1999  MS  Plant Pathology
Assessing an integrated disease management strategy for processing tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in Ohio.  Advisor: R. Riedel.

2004  PhD  Plant Pathology
Fusarium Fruit Rot (Fusarium spp.) of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) and its control with cover crop mulches.  Advisor: R. Riedel.

Jia, Hongtao
2003  MS  Plant Pathology
An evaluation of protocols for stabilizing pathotypes of Phytophthora sojae isolates and characterizing race-specific resistant genes in soybean plant introductions.  Advisor: A. Dorrance.

Larue, Clayton Tyler
2003  MS  Plant Pathology
Lactofen mediated accumulations of isoflavonoids in soybean leaf tissue and induction of a systemic protection response towards pathogens in lactofen treated soybeans.  Advisor: T. Graham.

Liu, Zhenyu
2003  MS  Plant Pathology
Patterns of diversifying selection and reticulate evolution in extracellular effector proteins from the oomycete plant pathogen Phytophthora infestans.  Advisor: S. Kamoun.

Merighi, Massimo
2003  PhD  Plant Pathology
Molecular biology and biochemistry of the regulation of hrp/type III secretion genes in the corn pathogen Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii.  Advisor: D. Coplin.

Torto, Gertrude A.
2003  PhD  Plant Pathology
Functional genomics of extracellular proteins of Phytophthora infestans.  Advisor: S. Kamoun.

Vega Sanchez, Miguel Esteban
2003  MS  Plant Pathology
Defense-related gene expression in soybean cultivars with different levels of partial resistance to Phytophthora sojae.  Advisor: S. Kamoun.

Zhang, Jianhua
2003  Ph.D.  Plant Pathology
Diversity of aster yellows phytoplasmas in lettuce.  Advisor: S. Miller.

Wutz, Laura A.
2003  MS  Plant Pathology
Occurrence and control of Microdochium Blight in Ohio pumpkin fields.  Advisor: R. Riedel.

Varela Ramirez, Felicita
2002  PhD  Plant Pathology
A new application method of the systemic fungicide metalaxyl to control poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Ex. Klotzsch) root rot caused by Pythium ultimum Trow.  Advisor: S. Nameth.

Erincik, Omer
2002  PhD  Plant Pathology
1997  MS  Plant Pathology
Studies to determine time of grape berry and rachis susceptibility, and environmental parameters required for leaf and cane infection by Phomopsis viticola.  Advisor: M. Ellis.

Alptekin, Yasar
1988  MS (Plan G) Plant Pathology
2001  PhD Plant Pathology
Distribution and control of soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe (Tylenchida:Heteroderidae), in Ohio.  Advisor: R. Riedel.

Edema, Richard
2001 PhD  Plant Pathology
The genetics of virulence of the maize streak mastrevirus (MSV).  Advisor: D. Gordon.

Wright, Simeon
2001  MS  Plant Pathology
The role of Bacillus and related species in growth promotion and biological control of tomato and pepper diseases.  Advisor: S. Miller.

Krause, Matthew S.
1997  MS  Plant Pathology
Biological control of Rhizoctonia diseases with Flavobacterium balustinim 299 and Trochoderma hamatum 382 in peat and composted pine bark potting mixes.

2001  PhD  Plant Pathology
Specific suppression of plant diseases provided by compost-amended substrates.  Advisor: H. Hoitink.

Tuttle, Nathan Thomas
2001  MS  Plant Pathology
Characterization of environmental conditions conducive to Rhizoctonia solani infection in soybean, and evaluation of inoculum application method and density in field studies.  Advisor: A. Dorrance.

Garling, Daniel C.
2000  MS  Plant Pathology
Temporal effects of compost topdressing and inorganic fertilizer applications on nitrogen fertility of fairway height creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass.  Advisor: M. Boehm.

Loschinkohl, Cerinda
2000  MS  Plant Pathology
The effects of composted biosolids on the establishment, productivity and the severity of rust caused by Puccinia species on Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass.  Advisor: M. Boehm.