CFAES Give Today
Plant Pathology

Department of Plant Pathology


Archive 2007 2008

Undergraduate Awards and Recognition


2008 commencement 4  

December 2008 - Amanda J. Hayes
B.S. Agriculture Magna Cum Laude with *Distinction in Plant Health Management (Honors thesis advisor, Dennis Lewandowski)

*Distinction designates completion of an honors thesis research project.  Amanda accepts congratulations from President Gee (left).  Amanda decorated her cap with an image of a purple petunia with Tobacco mosaic virus symptoms, which was part of her honors research (AKA Amanda's sick plant).



Amanda Hayes, a Plant Health Management Honors student, was one of five Denman Undergraduate Forum presenters selected for a one-week Brazil Research Exchange Program in November 2008.  She traveled to the University of So Paulo to present her research poster, "Greenhouse sanitation: Efficacy of disinfectants on cutting blades using Tobacco mosaic virus on petunia as a model."










Laura Bruner Receives Prestigious National FFA Award

Congratulations to Laura Bruner, Plant Health Management Honors student, on being awarded the prestigious Star of Agriscience Award by the National FFA Organization at their annual convention in Indianapolis.  Laura, a member of the Pettisville FFA Chapter in Ohio, was presented with a $4000 check and a plaque.


Read about Laura in the Toledo Blade > story

> Audio interview with Laura at the National FFA Convention (right column)

> National FFA press release, "The Real Stars of America"

  LB FFA 2

Congratulations to Plant Health Management graduates Bridget Meiring, Bryan Reeb and Erica Stone, who received their B.S. degrees in June 2008.


banner 2008  

Plant Health Management students at the Plant Sciences Banquet on May 21, 2008 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, Ohio State campus, Columbus.  Left to right: Amber Hoffstetter, Jessica Schafer, Kate Gearhart, Erica Stone, Nick Weidenbenner, Bridget Meiring, Laura Bruner, Amanda Hayes and Kara Riggs.  Not pictured, Bryan Reeb.


Honors and recognition at the Plant Sciences Banquet


Laura Bruner - Honors student, Plant Protection Scholarship for 2008-2009; Ambassador for the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Ohio Soybean Council Foundation Scholarship; summer internship and honors thesis with Dr. Erich Grotewold in the Department of Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology; Undergraduate University Research Scholarship; Dean's List Autumn 2007 and Winter 2008; Fulton County Pork Producers Scholarship; Women's Leadership in Agriculture Scholarship; study abroad in Brazil with Alpha Zeta Honor Society; study abroad in the Czech Republic, Summer 2008.

Kate Gearhart - Plant Protection Scholarship for 2008-2009; Ohio Soybean Council Foundation Scholarship; Dean's List, Autumn 2007 and Winter 2008; PHARM secretary this year and re-elected for 2008-2009; completed 2007 summer internship with Crop Production Services; previous work experience with Dr. Anne Dorrance; summer 2008 internship with Monsanto.


Amanda Hayes - Honors student, Plant Protection Scholarship for 2008-2009; First place, CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum; 2008 CFAES Undergraduate University Research Scholarship and grant; honored in 2008 President's Salute to Undergraduate Academic Achievement; OARDC Director's Undergraduate Research Award; honors thesis with Dr. Dennis Lewandowski; research poster presentation at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum at Ohio State; Garden Club of Ohio scholarship.


Amber Hoffstetter - Dean's List in Autumn 2008; student assistant in Dr. Pierluigi Bonello's laboratory this spring; active in PHARM activities and will serve as PHARM's special events coordinator next year; will return home for the summer to Kinsman, Ohio, to work on a 4-H animal science project.

Bridget Meiring - graduating senior; Deans List Winter 2008; recognized for outstanding work in the C. Wayne Ellett Plant Pest and Disease Diagnostic Clinic.

Bryan Reeb - graduating senior from Ashville, Ohio; Dean's List Winter 2008; recognized for outstanding work on soybean rust sentinel project last summer with Dr. Anne Dorrance.


Kara Riggs - Plant Protection Scholarship for 2008-2009; Ohio Soybean Council Foundation Scholarship; study abroad in Brazil with Alpha Zeta Honor Society; 2007 internship with Dr. Oliver Yu at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis; PHARM president for 2008-2009; 2008 Summer Research Internship in Plant Pathology; will present a poster at the American Phytopathological Society Centennial Meeting, July 26-30, Minneapolis.


Jessica Schafer - Plant Protection Scholarship for 2008-2009; Dean's List Winter 2008; served as treasurer of PHARM and re-elected to post for 2008-2009; has embarked on work with Dr. Dennis Lewandowski in ornamental pathology; 2008 Summer Research Internship in Plant Pathology with Dr. Lewandowski.


Erica Stone - graduating senior; completed internship at Franklin Park Conservatory; completed undergraduate research experience with Dr. Brian McSpadden Gardener, paper from this work has been submitted for publication with Erica as second author.


Nick Weidenbenner - Honors student; Plant Protection Scholarship for 2008-2009; 2008 CFAES Undergraduate University Research Scholarship and grant; honors thesis with Dr. Pierluigi Bonello; research poster presentations at the CFAES Undergraduate Forum and the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum at Ohio State; Dean's List Autumn 2007; served as PHARM president and will serve as vice-president for 2008-2009;  will spend the the summer 2008 in St. Paul, Minnesota, in a missionary training program.

Congratulations to Plant Health Management majors - Spring 2008

Dean's List: Laura Bruner  -  Kara Riggs  -  Jessica Schafer

Kate Gearhart  -  Amanda Hayes -  Nick Weidenbenner

Congratulations to Plant Pathology presenters at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, May 14, 2008 at the Ohio State Columbus campus.  This is Ohio State's showcase for undergraduate research.  Over 400 students presented research in 11 categories.  For a feature video on the Denman Forum, click here (if you look closely, you can catch glimpses of Amanda Hayes and Mike Boehm towards the end of the video).  Poster presenters included:



2008 denman


Robert Beaulieu (above left), Comparative Studies Honors major and 2008 graduating senior: "Oxalic acid production by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa: the causal agent of dollar spot."   Project advisor: Dr. Michael J. Boehm.

Katy Garrett, Plant Biology major:  "Exploring allelopathic chemicals as plant defense activators."  Project advisor: Dr. Terrence Graham.

Amanda Hayes (above center), Plant Health Management Honors major: "Greenhouse sanitation: Efficacy of disinfectants on cutting blades using Tobacco mosaic virus on petunia as a model." Project advisor: Dr. Dennis Lewandowski.

Nick Weidenbenner (above right), Plant Health Management Honors major:  "Effect of methyl jasmonate on white ash (Fraxinus americana) and Manchurian Ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) as it relates to emerald ash borer attack."  Project advisor: Dr. Pierluigi Bonello.




Congratulations to Michael J. Boehm, Professor and Department Chair, who received an Undergraduate Research Mentor Award at the Denman Forum. Dr. Boehm, who was nominated by Robert Beaulieu, was one of five people recognized for exceptional service as faculty research mentors for undergraduates.


Amanda Hayes and Nick Weidenbenner were each awarded a CFAES Undergraduate University Research Scholarship and grant for their Honors thesis research proposals.  Amanda's Honors thesis advisor is Dr. Dennis Lewandowski, and Nick's Honors thesis advisor is Dr. P. Bonello.

The Ohio Soybean Council Foundation is pleased to announce the winners of the Ohio Agricultural Science and Bioproducts Research Scholarships for the 2008-2009 academic year.  Undergraduate scholarships of $3,000 each have been awarded to our Plant Health Management majors Laura Bruner, Kate Gearhart, and Kara Riggs; Crop Science major Jason Greve, and agricultural engineering major Brian Herringshaw.  A Graduate scholarship of $5,000 has been awarded to Plant Pathology PhD student Margaret Ellis.  Congratulations to the scholarship winners on their outstanding achievements!

> OSC Foundation Press Release


Fifth Annual College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Research Forum, April 23, 2008, Ohio State.





Congratulations to Amanda Hayes (left), first place in the Plant Science category, Robert Beaulieu (lower left) and Nick Weidenbenner on their outstanding research projects!

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Amanda Hayes, "Greenhouse Sanitation: Efficacy of Disinfectants on Cutting Blades using Tobacco mosaic virus on Petunia as a Model."  Amanda is a Plant Health Management Honors student.  Project advisor: Dr. Dennis Lewandowski.


Robert Beaulieu, "Oxalic acid production by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa: the causal agent of dollar spot."  Robbie is a Comparative Studies Honors student.  Project advisor: Dr. Michael J. Boehm.


Nicholas Weidenbenner, "Effect of methyl jasmonate on white ash (Fraxinus americana) and Manchurian Ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) as it relates to emerald ash borer attack."  Nick is a Plant Health Management Honors student.  Project advisor: Dr. Pierluigi Bonello.



OARDC Conference, April 17, Wooster.  Plant Pathology student poster presentation:

Robert Beaulieu, "Oxalic acid production by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa: The causal agent of dollar spot."  Undergraduate Honors thesis advisor: Michael J. Boehm.


April 2008

Plant Health Management Honors student Amanda Hayes was awarded a scholarship from the Garden Club of Ohio, Inc.

Plant Health Management major Kate Gearhart received a Monsanto internship.




Dean's List Winter 2008
Plant Health Management Majors


Laura Bruner, Honors

Kate Gearhart

Amanda Hayes, Honors

Bridget Meiring

Bryan Reeb

Kara Riggs

Jessica Schafer




March 2008 - Autumn Hacker, student assistant in the Department of Plant Pathology office in Columbus, graduated with her bachelor's degree from Ohio State.  Left: Autumn opens gifts at her farewell reception in Kottman Hall.


2008 President's Salute to Undergraduate Academic Achievement

March 2008 - Amanda Hayes, Plant Health Management major (Honors), was honored as one of Ohio State's top undergraduates in the President's Salute to Undergraduate Academic Achievement.  Hayes and her Honors thesis advisor, Dr. Dennis Lewandowski, attended an awards dinner on April 29 at the Fawcett Center in Columbus.



2008 OARDC Director's Undergraduate Research Competition Award

Amanda Hayes, Plant Health Management major, Honors program

Proposal: "Greenhouse Sanitation: Efficacy of Disinfectants on Cutting Blades using Tobacco mosaic virus on Petunia as a Model."  Amanda is evaluating sanitation methods for propagation of Petunia.  Her project goal is to develop safe and effective protocols to minimize spread of Tobacco mosaic virus and other pathogens in commercial ornamental operations.  Amanda's proposal was ranked third in the competition and fully funded for $3187.  This study is part of her Honors thesis with Dennis LewandowskiCongratulations!


2007 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

Kara Riggs, Plant Health Management major

First place, Agricultural/Environmental Sciences

Silencing the Signal: Isoflavones and Phytophthora sojae Zoospore Chemotaxis

Advisor: Dr. Terrence Graham

Kara is one of the students featured on the CFAES website:


Dean's List Autumn 2007 - Plant Health Management Majors


Laura Bruner, Honors

Kate Gearhart          Amanda Hayes, Honors

Amber Hoffstetter     Kara Riggs. Honors

Jessica Schafer         Nick Weidenbenner, Honors



Internship Presentations

Plant Health Management Majors 2007-08


Feb. 21, 2008

Nick Weidenbenner
Emerald Ash Borer
Internship and honors thesis project with Dr. Enrico Bonello, Department of Plant Pathology, Ohio State

December 5, 2007

Kara Riggs
Summer research with Dr. Coralie Halls and Dr. Oliver Yu at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis


October 31, 2007

Kate Gearhart
Internship scouting crop fields for Royster Clark in Bellevue, Ohio


Bridget Francis Meiring
Summer Internship at the C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic, Ohio State


Erica Stone
Internship at the Franklin Park Conservatory in Columbus


October 29, 2007

Amanda Hayes
Internship and honors thesis project on diseases of ornamentals with Dr. Dennis Lewandowski, Department of Plant Pathology, Ohio State


Bryan Reeb
Internship with Dr. Anne Dorrance and the Soybean Rust Program, Department of Plant Pathology, Ohio State


Oct. 12, 2007

Laura Bruner
A Maize of Genetics
Summer internship research with Dr. Erich Grotewold in the Department of Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology, Ohio State