Plant Health 2023, American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting
August 12-16, 2023 | Denver, Colorado
Ohio State presenters and posters
Workshops and Presentations
August 12, 2023
WORKSHOP: Learning the Basic Metagenomics Tools for Disease Diagnostics and Microbiome Analysis. Hannah Toth, workshop organizer; Veronica Roman-Reyna, Sponsoring Chairperson; Marcus Vinicius Merfa, Moderator, Sponsoring Chairperson; Heng-An Lin, Sponsoring Chairperson.
August 13, 2023
12:50 PM – 1:10 PM MDT
Loss of effectors modulates the host range of a bacterial cereal plant pathogen – Marcus Vinicius Merfa Part of SPECIAL SESSION: Schroth - Faces of the Future Session: Host Resistance and Host/Pathogen Interaction
2:15-2:30 pm MDT. Impacts of the evolution of cell-to-cell signaling in Xanthomonas interspecies communication. – Marcus Vinicius Merfa. Part of TECHNICAL SESSION: Microbe-Microbe Dynamics
5:30 – 6:30 pm MDT. 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM MDT University Alumni Networking Events
Monday August 14, 2023
10:15-10:30 am Effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation combined with grafting on Verticillium wilt and nematode communities in North Carolina tomato fields – Andres Sanabria T Ingram, H Lopez-Nicora, T Adhikari, F Louws. Part of TECHNICAL SESSION: Soilborne Disease Management
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
8:15 AM – 8:30 AM MDT. Why Studying "Diarrhea in Plants" is Important for Our Future Workforce – Kelly Mikhail, J Jacobs, D Mackey. Part of TECHNICAL SESSION: Outreach and Learning
10:15 AM – 10:30 AM MDT A sequencing solution: metagenomics to discover diversity and investigate genome completeness in soft-rot and blackleg seed potato infection – Hannah Toth Part of TECHNICAL SESSION: New and Improved Technologies for Disease Detection and Diagnosis
1:00 PM – 1:15 PM MDT Exploring the potential use of weather and imagery data for tar spot disease modeling – Mariela Fernández-Campos et al, Tiffanna Ross. Part of TECHNICAL SESSION: Epidemiology
POSTERS Monday, August 14, 2023, 4:15 PM – 5:00 PM MDT
Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Pydiflumetofen + Propiconazole Application Programs on Fusarium Head Blight and Deoxynivalenol in Wheat – Wanderson Moraes et al. L Madden, P Paul. P-091
Comparative transcriptomics reveal quantitative disease resistant pathways against Phytophthora sojae in soybean cultivar M92-220 – Nghi Nguyen, J Poelstra, A Dorrance, R Stupar P-097
Exploring Genetic Susceptibility Mechanisms in the Soybean-Sclerotinia Pathosystem – Mitchell Roth P-109, T Ross, J Poelstra
Effect of temperature and wetness duration on strawberry infection caused by a new species of Neopestalotiopsis – Adrian Zuniga et al, L Madden. P-195
Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling to Compare the Effects of Application Parameters on Spray Deposition and Uniformity on Wheat Stem – Wanderson Moraes E Ozkdan, R Derksen, H Zhu, P Paul. P-197
Spatial variability of Macrophomina phaseolina and its relation to soil properties: a geostatistical modelling approach – Sandip Mondal, H Lopez-Nicora. P-199
The effect of propiconazole applications for disease control in snap beans on clinical azole resistance development in Aspergillus fumigatus – Doyeon Park S Miller, P Paul, R Paul M Lewis Ivey. P-227
POSTERS Monday, August 14, 2023, 5:00 PM – 5:45 PM MDT
Current Xanthomonas translucens strains are more virulent than historical strains for bacterial leaf streak and blight on barley – Nathaniel Heiden, H Toth, V Roman-Reyna, J Butchacas, Y Velez-Negron, R Curland, R Dill-Macky, B Steffenson, J Jacobs. P-387
Sequence-based Diagnosis of Oomycete Root Rots of Woody Ornamentals – Rachel Capouya, F Peduto Hand, J Jacobs. P-429
Metagenomic sequencing for tomato and pepper bacterial spot diagnostics – Taylor Klass V Roman-Reyna, F Rotondo, M Rodriguez, S Miller, J Jacobs. P-445
Assessing Physiological and Microbial Changes Throughout Castanea Grafting – Nina Ward M Lewis Ivey, M Roth, D Miller, T Meulia P-523
Understanding host-pathogen and fungal-fungal interactions within the latent fruit rot of winterberry pathosystem – Isabel Emanuel A Laird, J Cooperstone, F Peduto Hand P-617
Soilborne disease survey of tomato high tunnels in Ohio and surrounding states – Manisha Hamal A Testen, R S Shaw, M Moodispaw, S Miller P-651
Water Source influence on lettuce on controlled environment system – Gustavo Garay M Benitez Ponce P-695
POSTERS Tuesday August 15, 2:00 – 2:45 pm MDT
Transcriptomic analysis of the early interaction between tomato roots and beneficial Pseudomonas – Cecilia Chagas de Freitas, C Taylor. P-046
Examining the economic impact of beneficial Pseudomonas application for Hairy Root Disease control on hydroponically grown tomatoes – Cecilia Chagas de Freitas, C Taylor, W Bucker Moraes P-048
Comparison of the Presence and Density of Inoculum of Wheat and Corn Pathogens between Spore Samplers placed at Different Heights – Maira Duffeck J M Lerix, W Moraes, M O’Neil, P Paul. P-198
POSTERS Tuesday August 15, 2:45 – 3:30 pm MDT
Host colonization by strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata with differential pathogenicity on table beet and Swiss chard – Marilen Nampijja, J Jacobs, L du Toit. P-390
A Survey of Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome in Ohio – Jenna Moore M Bogale, H Lopez-Nicora P-504
A cereal rye cover crop alters soil mycorrhizal communities in 2 and 3-crop rotational schemes – Timothy Frey L Lindsey, M S Benitez Ponce P-544
Genetic characterizations in the broad host-range pathogen, Macrophomina phaseolina – Annika Pratt M Florence-Smith, T Ross, H Lopez-Nicora, M Roth P-568
Vegetative compatibility predicts population-level distribution of giant Starship elements in Macrophomina phaseolina – Mesfin Bogale, E Gluck Thaler, A Vogan, M Roth, H Lopez-Nicora. P-600
Effect of Seed Treatment on Septoria Brown Spot (Septoria glycines) of Soybean – Alison Peart, H Lopez-Nicora, T Ralston P-634
A Multistate Seed Treatment Evaluation for Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome in 2022 – Madison Kessler et al H Lopez-Nicora, M Roth P-636
Anaerobic disinfestation of soilless and soil-based substrates reduces Rhizoctonia stem rot incidence and severity in greenhouse-grown zinnia – Daniela Gutierrez Yanez A Testen, F Peduto Hand P-640