Ohio Plant Biotechnology Consortium Annual Meeting
Oct. 5, 2013 - Columbus, Ohio
Poster presentations from Plant Pathology and the Molecular and Cellular Imaging Center:
Dominique Alvis (near left) First place, Graduate Student Poster, < 2 years research experience. Identification of Novel Avr Genes Through Screening Gain-of-Virulence Mutants of Magnaporthe oryzae.
Timothy Frey (far right), Second place, Graduate Student Poster, 2-4 years research experience. Changes in threonine homoeostasis negatively affect development of nematode feeding sites.
Asela Wijeratne, Automation of RNA-Seq library preparation method using the Eppendorf EpMotion 5075 liquid handling robot.
Steven Charlesworth, Evaluation of the potential of Soil-Borne Wheat Mosaic Virus as a potential virus-induced gene silencing vector in for monocots.
Ellie Walsh, Effects of root-knot nematode parasitism on host gene silencing.